Nov 29, 2021
10 Years in the Making
When we set up Sheridan Property Consultants 10 years ago, the economy was still in the grip of the Great Financial Crisis with next to no positive sentiment to be found anywhere and a degree of pessimism throughout the business community and wider society as a whole. It felt like almost everyone I spoke to following the company’s formation was of a view that we were either “mad” or “taking a massive gamble”. I never felt that opening at the low point of a recession was a bad idea as transactions will always take place, even in a recession. They may be more challenging and take a lot longer to complete, but there are always buyers and sellers taking views in any market, no matter how challenging.
After 10 years of advising clients to the best of our ability and hopefully achieving the desired results for them, it is time for a change and also to reflect the massive role Cathal Keane has played in our growth and success to date. We have therefore taken the decision to rebrand as Sheridan Keane and look forward to growing and expanding further over the next 10 years.
While the economic outlook remains challenging, I am firmly of the view that the market offers incredible opportunities for our institutional and private clients to achieve fantastic returns while navigating the various risks which surround the commercial property market. I have to say that 10 years ago, I couldn’t possibly have envisioned a situation where political risk in Scotland has become the number one factor to be built into investment decisions, particularly following the challenges we faced in the run up to the ridiculous waste of time and energy that was the ’14 referendum.
However, as we sit here at the end of 2021, having dealt with the worst of the Covid pandemic, I feel incredibly positive about the future of the commercial property market in Scotland. Business will continue to grow and adapt to whatever the challenges in front of us, political or otherwise. With all of this risk comes great opportunity and we are ideally placed to guide our clients through the political and economic landscape of today’s modern Scotland.
Stewart Sheridan, Director
29 November 2021